Donate through PayPal

Carlmont Music Booster’s primary fundraising source is its donation drive.  Donations are used to pay for sheet music, instruments, instrument repairs, clinicians and accompanists.  Your support is essential to our success so please consider making a donation.

Our music program would not be what it today without the support of our community of parents.  Your donations make it possible to be able to offer this amazing program to any student interested in instrumental music.

  • Donations can be made online by credit card, debit card or Paypal account. Click the ‘Donate Now’ button below.
Every little bit helps, so give what you are comfortable giving.  Below are some examples of how your donation can benefit the program!

Donation Level Program Benefit
$150 – Performer Pay for (2) Musical Scores
$200 – Section Leader Smart Music subscriptions for 20 students
$250 – Concert Master Covers (1) group entrance to CMEA festival
$300 – Conductor (1) Low end intermediate bass bow
$500 or more – Maestro Pay for a clinician for a semester
  • Donations are tax deductible (a confirmation letter will be sent to you by the end of the calendar year).

Corporate Matching Gifts

Double your support with corporate matching donations!  Please email Carlmont Music Boosters Donation VP if your employer makes matching donations and we will be happy to provide you with the required information.